Shepherd's Heart


Shepherd’s Heart focuses on “discipleship of the soul”, using counseling, teaching, training, mentoring, and small groups to build emotionally and spiritually healthy individuals, marriages, workplaces, and ministries.


Seeing people

-develop a deeper understanding of their lives and relationships from a biblical perspective,

-develop a deeper understanding of why they do the things they do,

-commit to bringing these understandings into alignment with one another in the context of the community of faith,

so that mature and healthy followers of Christ multiply, blessing their spouses, their families, the church, and the world.

Problems being solved?

Over 70% of people in any community are not connected to a safe place that can provide spiritual care and Biblical guidance to help them face life’s issues like:

Ø    Marriage, family, or parenting

Ø    Fear, anger, or grief

Ø    Abuse, addictions, or relational wounds

Ø    The challenges and stress of life

Many who need help cannot afford what is offered in for-profit counseling and coaching.

How are you solving it?

Shepherd’s Heart offers:

·         Personal and marriage counseling

·         Workplace Chaplaincy

·         Non-profit ministry collaboration

·         Loving Well Marriage Groups

·         Training Marriage Ministry and Group Facilitators

While doing the above so that everyone can get the help they need, regardless of their financial situation.

Why are you qualified?

Bert Lumetta has a Master's degree in Biblical Counseling, has pastored churches, and is a community service chaplain. He has counseled many individuals and couples as well as provided training in counseling for lay and pastoral staff. Bert regularly teaches in his home church. He and his wife Laura have 10 children, two of whom were adopted. Bert understands the stress and strain that life puts on a family and stands ready to help others through it. 

But none of this really qualifies us. We believe that God has called us and graciously gives us what we need as we meet with others and help them take their next step with Him.

Mark Bonham worked with The Navigators for 25 years in evangelism and discipleship, studied theology at Wheaton Graduate School, and is an ordained minister. For over 10 years he led and directed a nonprofit organization that trained small group facilitators in support and recovery work. He has credentials in trauma recovery, premarital counseling, and community service chaplaincy. Mark has training in sexual abuse recovery, working with attachment issues, empowerment coaching, and marriage counseling with over 18 years of experience in working in these areas. He has written a marriage manual entitled “Loving Well” as part of a ten-session course for couples and has directed Shepherd’s Heart since 2010. He has been married to Mary since 1976 and has 2 children and 6 grandchildren.

What is the urgency?

According to the Quadrennium Report, conducted by MissionInsite (10/26/16), 45% of people in the U.S. believe that marriage, as a social institution, is becoming obsolete. The statistics within one square mile of our office reflect the U.S. average – 44.7% believe the institution of marriage is becoming obsolete.

Yet studies show that marriage reduces both adult and childhood poverty, that early sexual activity is linked to higher levels of child and maternal poverty, and that the people most likely to get divorced have the fewest resources to deal with its impact, particularly on children.

Couples of limited financial means are in a catch-22. Money problems put pressure on their marriage, but money problems also keep them from having access to the kind of marriage counseling available to those with more financial means. These couples either do not seek help at all or are not able to continue to receive the extended help they need because they lack financial means. The Quadrennium Report revealed that day-to-day financial concerns are a modest to significant concern for 75.7% of people in our area. Are they doomed to face divorce and face more financial difficulties that create difficulties for themselves, their children, their community, and the economy?

Shepherd’s Heart is actively engaged in helping marriages survive and thrive by providing help for all who need it regardless of their financial means or where they are on their faith journey.



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Colorado Springs, CO 80920


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