Inspiring and enabling people to be fully alive to God's glory in all arenas of their journey . . .
…by equipping them to experience the Gospel — not just know it — through teaching, coaching, and facilitating Life-giving experiences.
Much of the thrust behind THRIVE is rooted in Matt Heard’s book, Life with a Capital L: Embracing Your God-Given Humanity, which is an exposition of Christ’s mission statement in John 10:10. There, Jesus is immensely clear about why He came: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
Matt started THRIVE in 2014, but in 2021 we re-launched the ministry to address some of the unique opportunities that are arising in the church, the marketplace, and our culture. In each of these arenas, people are yearning for ways they can thrive and flourish in this current, unprecedented reality.
THRIVE seeks to invigorate a movement of authentic, thoughtful, and adventurous people who are engaging one another to explore, experience, and express the vibrant Life God intends for His image-bearers—for His glory and our fulfillment. As a result, we’re all about partnering with individuals, leaders, and teams to pursue Gospel vibrancy in their hearts, relationships, vocation, church, and culture.
For more information, please visit ThriveFullyalive.com and MattHeard.org
We are humbled and grateful for your partnership and support!