Cultivating CHRIST Communities
Mission Statement:
Helping people experience Christ, express Christ together, and expand Christ Communities in relational organic environments.
House churching is the best way of expressing Divine Life. Indeed, that's what a Body is for- expressing Divine Life in an outward way, where life, fellowship, love, and communion happen among the 'brothers' like it does in the Divine Community of the Godhead (God the Father, God the Son Christ Jesus, and God the Spirit). Unfortunately, "church," which is the Body of Christ, has become institutionalized and divided among clergy/laity lines to the extent that most believers, Christian workers, missionaries, evangelists, etc. are not familiar with the "how" of meeting and expressing Christ together "organically." There is a desperate need in the missional movement today to rethink and recapture God's Eternal Purpose in Christ of a healthy body and functioning family. What we call "organic expression" of the Body of Christ, Bride of Christ, and Family of Christ, that is also called Church.
Problem Being Solved?
The institutionalization of the Body of Christ and 'underdevelopment.' Understanding how institutionalization undermines the organism that is the Body of Christ.
How are you solving it?
Training and mobilizing- forming organic house churches. Living by the Life of Christ corporately in relational, organic environments that can be sustained and reproduced in simple ways- this we believe is a great need.
Why are you qualified?
We have been doing this for years in SE Asia. We live as Christ's ambassadors among the people we serve, traveling as needed, using grassroots training along with on-going advising and oversight, to promote networks of organic house churches, along with productive indigenous livelihood projects that support local church outreach.