Hogar de Amor
Hogar de Amor was founded in Colima, Mexico with the desire to help orphaned, homeless, and mistreated children, giving them all the support that they should normally have in their own home. Support not only in their physical needs but also in their spiritual and emotional needs as well.
House parents take care of 15 children by supplying them with all their basic needs such as love, security, acceptance, and identity, which will enable them to develop normally. Every child received arrives with feelings which are contrary to those previously mentioned, which gives Hogar de Amor the big task to help them to trust in God, in themselves, and in those around them.
What is of most importance to Hogar de Amor is that they will live and learn in a practical way, something invaluable: "the love of Jesus," and they may begin a deep personal relationship with Him that will completely transform their lives.
Hogar de Amor homepage.