TEAM Bejarano-Teaching

I never thought the Father would call me to this area of the world, but last summer, He opened doors that brought me to live in the region for 2 months. There, I discovered many of the specific gifts that He had equipped me with for this region, and I saw how much He wanted to teach me about Himself.

Now, with TEAM, I have been called to return to the region, although I will be in a different country. In this country, barely a quarter of 1% of the population follows Jesus, and most of these are not local believers. 14 out of the 23 people groups in this nation have never heard the Good News ( I will be working at an international school and getting to know my colleagues and students' families, living faithfully where I am called and sharing the Father's faithfulness to me.

My hope is to be the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing (2 Corinthians 2:14-15). Just as I am putting in my alabaster jar of giving all I have to fulfill the Father's call on my life, I encourage you to think about what alabaster jar the Father is calling you to prayerfully consider contributing to His Kingdom. In the meantime, please be lifting up the people I will come in contact with, asking that their hearts will be opened to hearing the Good News, and that they will receive powerful dreams and visions of Jesus Christ.

I believe the Father is calling you to join me in the work He has set before me! My goal is to finish fundraising and arrive in NA January of 2025, and to do that, I need to have 100% of my monthly support guaranteed. Currently, I am at 60% of this monthly support. You can help me make this goal by donating and connecting me with other people who may be interested in supporting this work.

I'm so grateful that God has linked us together to make His name known. Your support will help provide for basic necessities and ministry expenses, as well as logistical, spiritual, and administrative support through TEAM. Thank you for partnering with me!

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