Tim & DukeTim Hadler and his team, along with local veterans, are working on a project called GUMI Camp USA. GUMI Camp USA is a special place where our US Veterans will be able to go to heal.   It is our vision to see US Veterans flourish in society as civilians and realize their potential with hope and motivation for the future.  GUMI, which stands for Glad You Made it, focuses on the mission to equip, strengthen and encourage US Veterans with the educational, emotional and spiritual resources to understand and overcome deployment-related issues through personal reflective and group activities in a serene working ranch setting.  

GUMI Camp USA is located on a 258-acre piece of property in southeast Taney County, Missouri. Veterans may reside without cost to them and heal at their own pace! At full capacity, it will house approximately 30 veterans on a working ranch. The grand opening is Memorial Day Weekend 2015, so mark your calendars!  

All of Tim's shows on the 2015 Railroad Music Fest Tour, starting on January 14th, are to benefit GUMI Camp USA. Please join us!  Visit for schedule information!

Tax Deductible Donations can be made to support the GUMI Camp USA project through The New Horizons Foundation which has been in operation for 25 years and sponsors over 225 active operating projects in the US and around the world.  We are approaching our Grand Opening!  Please consider making a donation to help our veterans!  One-time and recurring monthly options are available.  

You can track the progress of how things are going at GUMI Camp USA by going to the Facebook page, or visit the website for more opportunities to help and updates

Project Manager

Angela Hadaller

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731 Chapel Hills Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80920


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