Child Development International
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Many poor villages have families just like you and me; they are made up moms and dads who love their children. However, the depth of poverty and oppressive systems have torn through these families leaving behind collateral damage and challenges too big for them to solve on their own. Most of the time, they are so desperate that they cannot see past today because they are simply struggling to survive.
Some organizations, with good intentions, arrive on the scene and provide a program designed to address a particular problem, like education for example. Funding of such a new elaborate program is too big for the village to manage, so the program comes with funding from outside of the village and for that matter, outside of the country. Programs like these can be effective but they are expensive and may take decades before the community is able to pay for it themselves. As a result, they become dependent on donors and never transition to being the ones responsible for providing a proper education for their own children.
We believe we can do better. To address problems like the one stated above, CDI is committed to developing impoverished children in new and innovative ways. Our experience and research has revealed the following four objectives that we have embraced in forming our mission:
1. Help as many children as possible by eliminating costly programs;
2. Reduce the local people's dependency on foreign financial aid;
3. Develop sustainable solutions that are owned by local people; and
4. Bring the good news entire communities.
Like most innovations, the best ones are simple ones. Our innovative approach is to partner with people living in remote villages that know there is something better but don't know how to make sense of it all and therefore are overwhelmed. Working alongside of the village leaders, we help the community build a "blue-print" that provides the direction and goals they need to change their behaviors and the fate of their own children.
Please consider investing in this thoughtful and effective approach to missional work.
Got questions? Please call or email info@cdi4kids.org with your questions, feedback and ideas. We'd love to talk with you.
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Please make check payable to "New Horizons Foundation" with memo "Child Development Int" and mail to:
New Horizons Foundation
ATTN: Child Development International
731 Chapel Hills Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920