Brain Health Team
The Brain Health Team conducts a three-pronged attack against Traumatic Brain Injury. BHT's initial focus is on the hundreds of thousands of war fighters still battling the effects of mild to moderate TBI and those close to them.
The "Triple Option Offense" being implemented to help improve the quality of life of these warriors consists of:
1) Treatment- There is solid evidence that safe and effective treatments could be deployed NOW.
2) Research- Attention must be paid to maximizing the efficacy of current treatments while continuing the hunt for new treatments and therapies.
3) Education- TBI is the "Invisible Wound". The citizenry must be educated on the extent and far-reaching effects of this injury. Legislators and key influencers must be reminded of their responsibility in being part of the solution in fixing this problem.
Please support BHT's efforts to take the fight to TBI.